In the interest of full disclosure:

Dear Friends:

Having looked back through my little blog here it seems that I have done a really nice job of publishing my accomplishments and proud moments.  I have done this hoping to inspire and motivate people to see what is possible and that you can do seemingly impossible things.  There is, however, another side of the story.  I have failed over and over again.  Overall, I seem to be winning the war; but I have lost many mini-battles.  I have missed many mini-goals that I have set for myself.  Yes, I’ve been successful so far.  Yes, I am very proud of how far I have come.  But please, please, please remember that its not all WINNING. Its overcoming a lot of losing and disappointment as well.  Be prepared for that.

In fact, I am fully expecting to miss a goal that I set for myself.  If you recall, a month ago I told you about a contest where Michelle and I are racing to “Healthy BMI”.  Our first checkpoint is next Friday.  It looks like I’m going to be behind!  I’m trying to stay positive that I still have plenty of time to get there; but I am really disappointed that it doesn’t look like I will hit it.  Well, I probably *could* hit it; but I don’t want to starve or kill myself just to hit an arbitrary number.  I want to do it the right way!

At any rate, keep at it my friends. You won’t hit every goal and you won’t win every contest.  Just keep an eye on the prize: Long term healthy lifestyle changes and you will get there!


Dear 50 minute hills…

Dear 50 minute hills,

I’m sorry that I got through the first 15 minutes of your workout and thought you were too easy and that I wasn’t pushing myself.  I really underestimated the amount of workout that you would put me through.   I’m sorry that I thought you were a push over workout.  Looking at the lovely notecard that Michelle gave me, I thought “no way is this going to be hard.. I mean its *WALKING*”.  Yeah, well, I was wrong.. you were a good challenge.   Thank you for that.  I needed to do something different.  But yeah, now that we are all done with the workout, I wanted to let you know that I kicked your ass… but you knew that already. I spat in your challenge and pushed you over.. you know what?  I’m going to do it again.. only this time I’m going to go faster and push harder.  I OWN YOU.

Your friend,


ps – for those of you interested 50 minute hills on a treadmill looks like this:


Time Pace Incline
0 – 5 3.0 0
5 – 7 3.2 2
7 – 9 3.3 4
9 – 11 3.3 6
11 – 13 3.3 8
13 – 15 3.0 10
15 – 17 3.0 12
17 – 21 3.0 15
21 – 25 3.0 12
25 – 30 3.0 10
30 – 35 3.3 7
35 – 40 3.3 5
40 – 45 3.3 3
45 – 50 2.5 0


Before.. during… and closer to after…

I found it interesting to look at the pictures and correlate them to where I was along the way.  I didn’t really feel any different until I hit 100.. for some reason that was a magic number for me; I felt like a totally different person.  Of course, I *really* looked like a different person after I shaved my d-bag goatee 🙂

Aric through the year…

I see you over there….

Dear Fat Guy,

I see you over there on the Elliptical.  It’s ok; don’t worry, I’m not judging you.  I’m proud of you.  I know *exactly* what you are feeling right now.  I see that you are sweating like a hog; feeling like you look like a fool; embarrassed by the slow pace at which you are moving.  I know what its like to walk into the gym for the first time, and see all the “meatheads” and feeling the hot glare of their judgmental eyes.  Here’s a little secret for you:  many of those same meatheads were fat guys just like you.  They went into the gym for the first time and felt embarrassed that they didn’t know how to use any of the machines or free weights.  I know that I felt that way!

If you would just look around, instead of focusing on your feet while you workout, you would see how many people are watching you in awe.  I realize what a huge step you have made just by showing up and facing your fear.  You have begun your transformation already.  You aren’t accepting a life of passivity.  Every hard breath you take will be a bit easier than the one before.  Every step you is a little bit lighter. Each drop of sweat is shedding a little bit of your former self.  Be proud of what you are doing; and tell everyone about it!  Every push forward is a step toward a stronger, healthier you; one who knows that anything is possible.

Enjoy how hard it is now; and how much work it is.  Eventually you will look back and say to yourself “I cannot believe that I could only jog for 2 minutes at a time and felt like death”  Fitness and good food choices will be the new normal for you.  A trip out for a greasy cheeseburger will be a special treat, not an every day habit… AND YOU’LL LOVE IT.

I believe in you, and I want you to believe in you as well.  You’ve started your journey, now you just need to keep going.  Don’t stop and you will get there!