Oh No!! The Scale Isn’t Going Down, What Am I Doing Wrong?

This is a common complaint amongst those who have undertaken diet and lifestyle changes.  “I’m doing everything right and the number just isn’t dropping” or “No matter what I do, I’m just not losing weight”.   I have heard it many time from friends who are in the same position I was in 9 months ago.  Heck, I said it myself 100 times… “I’m eating right, I’m exercising, WTF; why am I not losing weight”.  Its disheartening and frustrating.  Michelle said it right and continues to tell me:  “it took you 30+ years to put on the weight.. its not going to come off over night!”.  She is so right.

You have to keep at it.  Its not a “30 day miracle diet” or something you do for a week to fit into your skinny jeans.  You are changing your life; it takes time for your body to adjust to not being a fat-guy(™).  There will be ups and downs along the way.   Just keep working at it, you will get there!

What strategies have you used to keep going?

Weight Loss Chart
My weight loss journey from beginning to 6/8/12

2 Replies to “Oh No!! The Scale Isn’t Going Down, What Am I Doing Wrong?”

  1. So proud of my cousin! Makes me smile, because how know how much better you are feeling these days! Looking forward to seeing you and Michelle and da boys tomorrow—breakfast, right?

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